
© 2011 Cooking in Tuscan at The Spice Lab


Made by Serif



Most of my Tuscan classes are private, but I sometimes get requests from single students or couples who would like to join with other students to help reduce the cost of the class and meet new people. In these cases the class size will be strictly limited to 8 students total and you will find dates and classes available on this page.  If you’d like to join one of these classes please let me know. If you’d like to form a class for others to join, please let me know that too.



Wed, June 1st - 9:00 3 course olive grove class

Friday June 3rd - 3:30 5 course Olive Grove Class

Friday June 10th - 4:30 5 course Olive Grove Class

Friday June 17th  3 or 5 course Olive Grove Class

Monday June 20th 4:00 5 course Olive Grove Class

Friday July 1st 5 Course Market and Olive Grove Class

Saturday July 16th 5 course Market and Olive Grove Class

Saturday July 23rd - 10:00 5 course Olive Grove Class


Most of these classes already have at least 2 people in them, so the rate for them will be the 4 or more people rate for the particular class.






